
Evadne McLilley

Plant-based Lifestyle Coach, Influencer, Podcaster, YouTuber, Author, Creative Designer, Event Curator, Motivational Speaker, Community Leader & Ambassador, Founder & CEO of: Ev McLilley Wellness, Inc., Ev McLilley Teas & Herbs & IMPACT - Global, New Market St. Elizabeth Community

Evadne McLilley is a serial entrepreneur who has dedicated herself to Healthy Lifestyle Coaching, Marketing, Leadership Mentoring, Community Building & Empowerment for her entire adult life. She uses every opportunity she gets to motivate people and influence positive changes.

Evadne was born, raised and educated on the tropical island of Jamaican. While living there, she knew from early that she wanted to be an entrepreneur so after working a few jobs (including classroom teacher), she decided to go into business fulltime. Her first business venture was in Event Planning, Event Decor & Gift Curating. The second business (a partnership) was the manufacturing of bulk baking powder (raising agent) for the restaurant, wholesale and supermarket industries exclusively. During those same years, she also spent a great deal of her time influencing changes in the Mandeville, Manchester Municipal Town where she resided. Being a natural born agent of leadership and change, she headed the Junior Chamber International (JCI) - Mandeville Chapter for three years during which she and her team successfully lead and implementing large community projects while training young people to lead effectively. She received the Mandeville Junior Chamber “10 Outstanding Presidents Award for Excellence in Leadership” at their Chapters 25th Anniversary Celebrations in 1999. Having a desire to do more for humanity, she decided to broaden her horizon, so in 2001 she migrated to the USA.

She obtained tertiary education at Northern Caribbean University (Jamaica) and City University of New York (New York) from which she graduated with a degree in Computer Information Systems with a minor in Business Management.

In 2008, Evadne started a thriving business in the construction industry after working in it for three year. She was excited to setup her own office in the upper section of Bronx, New York, where she served Registered Architects, Engineers, License Contractors and License Plumbers from all over NYC. The business was however, severely affected by the crash of the housing/building market during the “Great Recession” of 2009 which left her no choice but to close the business in 2010. After recognizing the great need for her knowledge and skills in the fields of nutrition and wellness in 2016, Evadne decided to leverage her leadership skills along with her prior studies in nutrition to give “Service to humanity” in another meaningful way – Wellness Coaching!

The passion to serve both people and community were always intertwined for Evadne, so it is no surprise that while she is building her businesses, she is also giving back to her native community in Jamaica via the community project “IMPACT Global – New Market, St. Elizabeth Community”, where she once again seeks to influence young people to build a better community and create lasting change. The organization, which she founded, has set their goals to building a state of the arts sports complex for the community, opening a learning center, building a community swimming pool and creating micro enterprises.

It is Evadne’s goal to continue to inspire people globally, especially young people. She aims to IMPACT the lives of MILLIONS through her Ev McLilley brand, products, social outreach and programs.

She said, “As she watches more and more of her friends and family become ill or die from preventable diseases, she becomes more and more passionate about spreading her message of “Healthy Lifestyle Change” through the world”.

She rises to every occasion of loss and misfortune with grace and a resolve to re-invent herself while she builds back stronger. Therefore, it was no different when she was faced with the latest blow, along with most business in New York City during the hit of the 2020 pandemic. Evadne was once again faced with the gripping decision of closing her boutique tea outlet on West 125th Street in Manhattan as ordered by the Governor of the State. This was not optional.

During the long wait for the pandemic to pass, it occurred to her that she had to pivots once again to ensure the survival of her business. She took the decision to move her operation to an online retail business with wholesale distributions option to other stores, tea shops and restaurants etc. Since she was laid-off from her pre-pandemic fulltime job, where she worked as a program director (up to the point where she caught the virus), she decided to dedicate herself to building her brand, advance her coaching and tea businesses and to serve more people around the world.

Legacy building is important to Evadne. She said, she doesn’t just build her business to serve people during her lifetime. She is building her businesses to serve as a lasting legacy that will continue long after she is gone. She remains thankful for her eventful life and the ability to create positive change.

Dr Kelly

Counsellor, Crisis Interventionist, Educator, Grief, and Bereavement Therapist-coach
Counsellor, Crisis Interventionist, Educator, Grief, and Bereavement Therapist-coach". Dr. Kelly is an Associate Professor at Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville Jamaica. Author of Grieve If You Must: A 21-day Plan for Grieving, Healing and Restoration and Bestseller Co-Author of Embracing Imperfections Vol. 2. She is a fun-loving, kind, and understanding SDA Christian. Her life theme is “For what I do know about God, I can trust Him for what I do not know.”, SM contact and linktree @drgracea

Seraphine Ogutu

Co-host, Entrepreneur & Executive Coach
Seraphine Ogutu is the founder of DONE FOR YOU CONSULTANCY, a top social media, and email marketing agency in Ontario, Canada. DONE FOR YOU CONSULTANCY focuses on existing, new and aspiring Coaches and Consultants looking to increase their revenues and alternative income by monetizing their knowledge and experience. Leveraging her expertise as a successful Bob Proctor-certified Executive Coach for 9+ years and a $500,000 per year entrepreneur in marketing and advertising for 16+ years, Seraphine is positioned to empower existing and aspiring online-preneurs to succeed in the digital marketplace.

She is an entrepreneur, marketer, seasoned Executive Coach, and certified Professional Image Expert (Studio for Image Professionals, NY, USA). She focuses on helping coaches, consultants, and companies scale globally using digital marketing methodologies. Seraphine holds a BA in Psychology and French from St. Thomas University – Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.

Abena Asiamah

Consultant with Proctor Gallagher Institute
Abena Asiamah is a consultant with the Proctor Gallagher Institute who helps people to create the abundant life they truly want and to fulfil their dreams.

Abena works with passion, energy and enthusiasm with individuals, groups and companies to guide them into, discovering their passions and desires, reaching their potential and achieving their personal and professional goals.

She has been studying personal growth and development for more than ten years, and she is thrilled that she has been able to turn her passion into a business that helps people live happier, healthier, more abundant lives.

Abena is a Legal Professional with extensive experience advising on, drafting and negotiating commercial transactions in the IT/Communications and Outsourcing industries. She has gained practical working knowledge of contract and commercial law from working within the legal departments of established international companies.

Abena takes an intuitive approach in helping clients to fulfil their dreams. She is passionate about helping each person to grow and re-discover their inner wisdom to create the life they always imagined.

Abena believes that growth is both a mindset and a choice and with the right tools each of us is capable of a growth mind set thus enabling us to create the life of our dreams. If you would like to create the life you have been dreaming of, contact Abena by phone at +44 7958 049 101 or by email at abenaasiamah@yahoo.co.uk

Rebecca O’Rourke

Consulting Hypnotist
Rebecca O’Rourke is a Consulting Hypnotist with a background in Social Service Work. As the Director of Kawartha Hypnosis, she is a member of National Guild of Hypnotists and the Master Hypnotists Society. She herself is a Master Hypnotist also certified in Nero Linguistics Programming.

From a small town in Canada, she spent the earlier part of her career working with the school board managing behaviour and support programs for high needs kids. Though this part of her career she had the opportunity to work in collaboration with top agencies and community supports for a whole approach.

Rebecca got sick and had to leave the school board and embark on her own healing journey. Through this journey She found hypnosis and began to use it to transform her own life. She kicked a 25 year smoking habit, lost 90 pounds and still uses hypnosis to manage chronic severe pain naturally.

She now dedicates her life to helping others in her community and around the world to making their lives better with the power of their subconscious mind. Helping to facilitate real change in a natural automatic kind of way. She offers a free screening to see if hypnosis is right for you.


Tranformational Life Coach
30+ years in clinical research, preventative medicine & health and wellness. Transformational Life Coach - Certified Yoga Therapist - Reiki Master Teacher - Tapping Practitioner.

I help success-driven women & women entrepreneurs release limiting beliefs and transform into their most empowered self.

Devan Robinson

Self-Worth And Life Coach
Devan Robinson is the Self-Worth And Life Coach for women and military spouses, motivational speaker and author of “What’s Your Worth? And I don’t mean money.”. She’s also the creator and host of an annual Self-Discovery Women’s Summit, which she holds in-person every fall. Devan founded her business, Developing with Devan, in 2020 with the mission to empower women, especially fellow military spouses, to facilitate the changes they desire in order to be unapologetically themselves.

Devan has a passion for guiding people to break through societal molds that have been passed down from generation to generation. She has a strong belief in finding a work-life blend, getting to know herself and not just living for the weekend. So, after 10 years as a program coordinator in the education industry, Devan decided to break the mold and followed her heart into the world of self-discovery and personal growth. She uses the power of strength-based coaching, self-discovery and self-awareness to empower her clients to fully accept and embody who they are with no apologies and a deep understanding of their value.

Trained at the undergraduate level in Communication and the graduate level in Organizational Performance and Leadership, Devan uses her educational background and personal experiences to guide herself and anyone who wishes to join her on her mission to help women become unapologetically themselves, explicitly know their value and combat the social conditioning that’s been placed upon us.

She has developed and presented workshops at both local and national conferences on topics such as switching your mindset, finding your superpowers, developing a strength based business plan, goal setting and vision board creation. She is continually learning new skills and enjoys sharing with anyone who asks. Her hidden talents include being able to organize just about anything, confidently presenting miscellaneous tidbits of knowledge as fact, and being herself 100% of the time.

Devan is available to speak on topics revolving around breaking through societal norms, core mission development, creating a work life blend (rather than a “balance”), goal setting & planning, self-discovery, self-awareness, finding & using your strengths, strength based teaching & coaching, creating your personal strength menu, developing boundaries, knowing your worth, and being unapologetically yourself.

Speaking // Interview Topics

Devan is available to speak on topics revolving around:

breaking through societal norms
core mission development
creating a work life blend (rather than a “balance”)
goal setting & planning, self-discovery
finding & using your strengths
creating your personal strength menu
developing boundaries
knowing your worth
being unapologetically yourself
strength based coaching
Social Media Accounts

Website: www.developingwithdevan.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/developingwithdevan
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/developingwithdevan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developingwithdevan/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/devan-robinson/

LaTorcha Rena Polati

Certified Life, Spiritual, Christian Coach, and US Army Retired Veteran
LaTorcha is the founder and CEO of Determined Steps LLC, which is a movement that empowers women to move forward from that “stuck” place by bridging the gap between mental health and spiritual health. LaTorcha’s passion is to help high achieving women heal past wounds, rewrite your story, remove your invisible mask, get unstuck and find momentum so you can be your most authentic self and thrive in your relationships, purpose, emotionally and financially. Inspiring women to break down emotional obstacles and discover freedom. She is the go-to expert for allowing you to be seen and heard as you move. LaTorcha’s mission is to provide a place to be heard and seen using her ability to create a sacred place to accomplish breakthrough and in doing so, also achieve freedom.

As the people that she serves, LaTorcha, has dealt with surviving trauma. She found herself in a very low place and was silently crying out for help feeling spiritually lost and ignored physically because she looked like she had it together. Her internal cries for help falling on both deaf spiritual and physical ears where she thought death would be better than living.  Walking in shame, rejection, and isolation as a Christian woman presenting a tightly fitted mask portraying happiness yet slowly dying on the inside.

Her desire is to influence and encourage others to discover a life of fulfilment and freedom in God.  Now, do not think that just because she is a Christian/Spiritual Coach that she cannot assist you.  Latorcha's passion, open heart and open mind allows her to serve each and every one of her clients in a nonjudgmental way.  She is able to “hear” the unspoken words of her clients. She realizes that like herself, many have experienced being silenced.


Lifelong Traveller
Mikki lives in Southern Colorado with her Sci-Fi author husband and their five dogs and five cats. She has experience as a lifelong traveler, having lived in 8 countries making 13 international moves. Moving led to a rich carousel career and many opportunities for self- sabotage!

Learning from the myriad experiences, Mikki discovered Human Design and found the path to living in energetic alignment. She has not felt compelled to self-sabotage since then. Mikki has helped many people to uncover their true alignment and learn how to recognize the old, self-sabotaging conditioning when it appears. If you are ready to take control and live without tripping yourself up, have a chat with Mikki and see what you can achieve!

Lisa Freitag & Jamie Dooley

The Sister Coaches
Intuitive healers, Master Coaches and Expansion Experts

Jamie and Lisa are biological sisters with a combined 15 years of experience coaching women privately and in groups. Together they are committed to helping gifted coaches, healers and feminine leaders embody a more expansive version of themselves, so that taking massive aligned action toward sharing their gifts with the world feels effortless and fun, instead of overwhelming or scary.

They have created an intimate and magical sisterhood of high-vibe women who are all committed to helping each other rise into who they were made to be. Jamie and Lisa are always on the lookout for gifted women who would like to be supported in mastering their own spiritual energy while also remaining grounded enough to have successful businesses, radiant health and deeply satisfying relationships. You can subscribe to their YouTube channel “The Sister Coaches” to start learning from them today.

Auretha Callison

Self-Development Coach
I was named after Aretha Franklin, although my name is spelled Auretha, which means ‘to see through the mind’ (the Torah) in ancient Aramaic. I am a gifted Seer, Personal Stylist, and Self-Development Coach. I empower Soulful Leaders to BE SEEN for their Brilliance💎

My story: At age 12 I began to recognize I had a remarkable gift to SEE people right away - their gifts, their beauty, and their insecurities. I had a unique ability to encourage people on a soul level.

Over the last 18 years, I've learned to mix and master my gifts in order to help people in three areas. I help people see their Soul Purpose through understanding their personal genius. I create a person’s own unique and vibrant ‘Soul Style’ that reveals their authentic essence, brilliance, and authority. This authentic style blends seamlessly into their branding.

Through our work together I help clients finally conquer the fears and insecurities that have plagued them since childhood that keep them hidden or misrepresenting themselves.

I get hired to provide guidance to people who need to be seen as ‘A Professional’: business owners, speakers, and regular folks on a mission to up-level their personal image and/or brand visibility. My clients actually REALLY WANT TO BE SEEN for their hard-won BRILLIANCE!

Underneath creating an attractive image, accurate marketing, and personal confidence, my passion is to transform self-sabotage, defeating behaviors and poor self-esteem by addressing root issues, beliefs, and fear-based personas so that leaders can truly show up on stage and in person uninhibited and authentically attracting their perfect audience.

I have been in business since 2004 and have over 8 years of training in body-mind coaching from The Hendricks Institute. I offer a free chat to see how I can help you be seen for your brilliance! https://calendly.com/auretha/complimentary-consult

Marsha Samuels

Financial Planner
Marsha Samuels will keep you smiling and informed as the summit progresses. Her reassuring personality will keep you relaxed while you absorb the information from our speakers.

Lynette Michelle Mashiri

Author, Positive Mindset Trainer, Educator
Positive Mindset Trainer

I am an educator, author and positive mindset trainer whose mission is to help women transform from being overwhelmed and disorganised to living more fulfilled, balanced lives. I provide techniques to work through the guilt and overwhelm that most women face as they juggle through the responsibilities of career and family life. In short I give women the personal tune-up they need to help them continue to win and shine at life, no matter their role.

My Approach

As an educator and entrepreneur, I know the pressures of wearing many hats and how doing it all can be exhausting. This is why I turned to using SMART goal setting and positive mindset training as a means to cope with the many demands on my life and time. Having seen the impact of these proven techniques in my own life, I am now sharing the knowledge with countless women who desperately need to change the way they do things for a way that is better and less draining. I enjoy helping women take control of their time and accomplish more in life as they set better goals. Besides teaching how to plan and achieve goals, I train women how to fail forward by using setbacks to rethink and reframe their goals. By using a blend of affirmations and positive mindset, women find it easier to push through challenges that could weaken them and use them to become stronger.

While positive transformation is an individual journey, I am always there to cheer on and provide the supportive environment required to facilitate the change and follow-through. When I’m not coaching I will be visiting new places or writing books on affirmations, gratitude and how to win at living and moving abroad.

Coach Cheryl Thacker, PCC, BCC

CEO and Founder of Successful Coaches Enterprise
Coach Cheryl Thacker, PCC, BCC, is the CEO and Founder of Successful Coaches Enterprise, creator of the Coaching Biz Accelerator program, host of the Master Your Coaching Biz Podcast and has helped hundreds of coaches create the Freedom they crave in life by building successful sustainable businesses.

Dr. Eva Benmeleh

Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Eva Benmeleh is a clinical psychologist whose work focuses on unraveling perfectionism in children and adults, cultivating awareness of its negative effects, promoting changes in mindset, and enhancing communication and relationships. Dr. Benmeleh is bilingual in English and Spanish. She offers services via telehealth.

The Foster Triplets

Gospel Singing Group
The Foster Triplets- Malaika, Mahari and Mikaili- are three awesome young ladies- who minister for God in melodious singing. They reside on the picturesque island of Jamaica, where they were born to parents Markquin and Nicole Foster. Their gift of singing was discovered at a very tender age during family worship, when they inadvertently or serendipitously sang in harmony. Their ministry finds its exodus in 2008, when they made their debut performance at only five years of age. They have an impressive catalogue of performances. They have ministered to various congregations and audiences across Jamaica and North America. Most notably, in January 2015 during a Festival of Religious Freedom at the Jamaica National Arena, they had the privilege of singing the Jamaican National Anthem. That same year, they had the opportunity to minister at the General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, held in San Antonio, Texas. On two separate occasions (2016 & 2017), they recorded for the Kids Time programme at the Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), West Frankfurt IL. In 2016, a performance in New York became viral, garnering millions of views within less than two weeks which was ultimately downloaded and circulated on different social media platforms.

They have a very strong conviction in God and are products of Home School. They thoroughly enjoy singing, playing the keyboard, reading, storytelling, cooking, cycling, travelling, and doing missionary activities. Their debut album ‘What a God!’ was released in 2015. Their single ‘Not Just in Church’ was released in July 2018; and they are presently finalizing their second album ‘Try Jesus’ which is scheduled to be released in August 2019. The Foster Triplets believe that the Lord has called them to take the message of hope to the entire world in every way possible. As such, Malaika, Mahari, and Mikaili, along with their parents Nicole and Markquin, have forged a team, ‘The Foster Triplets Ministries’. They minister in hospitals, nursing homes, shelters, infirmaries, and just about anywhere the Lord leads.

They assist with remedial reading classes for children in the parish of Westmoreland, Jamaica; provide educational funding for students; provide support for adults and children with clothes, food and medical needs; and partner with organizations through volunteerism. Additionally, they have an active YouTube channel Foster Triplets Ministry where relevant topics are presented in creative ways. The Foster Triplets have always wanted to become Medical doctors, but have recently received the conviction to enter into fulltime singing ministry and save lives spiritually. One of their favourite Bible verse is Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Kalen Aradia (she/her)

Astro-Tarot Coach
Kalen Aradia (she/her), MA, is an Astro-Tarot coach who intertwines her expertise in astrology, tarot, analytical psychology and coaching to offer transformational sessions to her clients. Throughout her eight-year-long journey with her business, Aradia LLC, Kalen has developed a unique, potent, and valuable service that drives results.

Kalen enjoys learning more than anything! She is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in East-West Psychology, pursuing her 500-hour yoga credential and enrolled in an ICF training program. In addition, she has ten years of experience providing astrological readings, is a 200-hour RYT (registered yoga teacher), is Reiki II certified, has trained as an Andean shamanic apprentice, and possesses an MA in Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona, on Tohono O'odham Nation land and enjoys outdoor adventures, exploring the desert, reading, writing, and appreciating the present moment.


Have you ever wondered why, despite your best efforts, there is an internal dichotomy between your conscious recognition of power and unconscious sabotaging actions? What if this challenge is one born out of societal messaging and you have the power to change it?

Kalen's own experience in disempowering situations led her to study the topic of internalized sexism in her dissertation, and today's presentation will dive into the phenomena, why it remains an issue and how you can begin to heal the challenges that arise within the psyche.

By the end of this talk, you will grasp how sexism plays a subtle role in your life, begin to unravel distorted beliefs and engage in a short investigation through an experiential exercise.

**Please bring a writing utensil and paper with you**

Rev. Dr. Autymn Renee Allen

As Founder and CEO of LIFE4 COACHING ACADEMY and the IT Workshop, I have assisted people to use the LIFE4 Coaching System techniques for over 20 years. Now I train faith-based life coaches to use my LIFE4 Coaching System as the fast-track for their clients reaching their goals. Additionally, life coaches become the "go-to" coach without advertising because the LIFE4 Coaching System works to transform energies immediately.

I currently offer a FREE Life Coaches GAP Workshop.And, my signature Dancing With Wealth Workshop for business owners and coaches who want to optimize their relationship with money. will be offered later this Spring. I can be contacted at LIFE4academy@gmail.com or my website https://www.divinelifeacademy.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/divinelifeacademy

Jenny Vaz

Certified Executive Leadership Coach
Jenny Vaz is a certified Executive Leadership Coach who specialises in trauma healing & recovery and Human Behaviour Consultant (E-DISC) since 2018. She is the co-founder of wellness startup, Soft Landing Society. Jenny combines a multi-cultural and technology-based perspective to her work given her prolific background in IT, Consulting & Research. She has lived in the US, Australia, Singapore and in different parts of Asia working public & private sector organisations to integrate technological changes into their business and society.

She ran a private career coaching practice in that time to help professionals advance their goals in the world of technology. It's during this time that she discovered that as capable and smart people are, they were holding themselves back from taking chances because of layers of beliefs, experiences, perceptions and stories that they had been told on who they are, their limitations and what they can do. She is determined to help them break these patterns and teach the next generation a different perspective.

She has now made it her life's work to help people find greater belonging within themselves and as a result, become agents for belonging in modern-day society. She created Daily 1% Better to do just that.

She currently serves as Board Member at World Gay Boxing Championships (WGBC) and is pursuing her certification in Neuro Coaching with Mark Waldman.

Missy Riddles

Personal Development Strategist
Missy Riddles is a personal development strategist who helps women in business beat burnout, stress, and overwhelm. As a former educator, business executive, and now mentor, Missy brings energy, expertise, and strategies to help women remove roadblocks that are standing in their way of success.

Missy successfully grew a counseling practice in less than a year. She has also helped others by believing in themselves which ultimately helped them grow their businesses too. She has a personal development program for driven women who are ready to invest in themselves by getting out of their own way and become the best version of themselves.

Women Building Women Network Presents

Stop Self

Sunday May 22, 2022

Welcome Message

On behalf of the hard-working team and speakers of the Women Building Women Network Summit, I extend a warm welcome to you.

Thank you for attending our first summit. We hope you will find it rewarding and well worth you time. As a team, we aim to IMPACT your life in a positive way and we hope you will leave here with clarity and a better way forward to build successful businesses and careers.

We are here for you so use the opportunity after each speech to ask questions and consider the speaker’s offers carefully to see if it is a right fit for you.

Women Building Women Network was established to help women entrepreneurs, executives and coaches. We have a passion for women locking arms across the globe to form strong networks to help each other. It is possible and we are committed to the task.

This summit will not be our last. We will continue to find creative ways to bring resources to you so you can break free and thrive. We want you to let-go off self-limiting beliefs, we want you to rise and shine as you were meant to because you can.

Enjoy the experience!
Evadne McLilley
Event Curator/Host/Speaker

Featuring Guest Speakers

Evadne McLilley

Host, Speaker, Plant-Based Lifestyle Coach

Read Bio

Marsha Samuels

Co-Host, Financial Planner

Read Bio

Seraphine Ogutu

Co-host, Entrepreneur & Executive Coach

Read Bio

Jenny Vaz

Co-host, Executive Leadership Coach

Read Bio

Dr. Grace A. Kelly

Counsellor and Therapist Coach

Read Bio

Rebecca O’Rourke CH

Consulting Hypnotist

Read Bio

LaTorcha Rena Polati

Christian Coach & US Army Veteran

Read Bio

Mikki Gaffen Stone

Life Long Traveller

Read Bio

Missy Riddles

Personal Development Strategist

Read Bio

Cindy Edington

Transformational Life Coach

Read Bio

Abena Asiamah

Consultant Coach

Read Bio

Lisa Freitag & Jamie Dooley

The Sister Coaches

Read Bio

Auretha Callison

Self Development Coach

Read Bio

Lynette Michelle Mashiri

Author, Positive Mindset Trainer

Read Bio

Coach Cheryl Thacker

CEO and Founder of
Successful Coaches Enterprise

Read Bio

Dr. Eva Benmeleh

Clinical Psychologist

Read Bio

Devan Robinson

Self-Worth And Life Coach

Read Bio

Rev. Dr. Autymn Renee Allen


Read Bio

Sign Up For Summit Now Speaker Schedule

Sunday May 22, 2022 - 9AM - 6PM EST

Sunday May 22, 2022

Sponsored By Ev McLilley

Event Has Ended